How did led to the now Middle East

Where Israel is the capital? Get to know the situation in the Middle ...

How did led to the now Middle East Where Israel is the capital? Get to know the situation in the Middle East history News point of Israel side of the diplomatic attitude of playing cards US President extends the ripples in the world. Trump Mr.'ve professed to from in the presidential election, transfer the US embassy acknowledged Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. But, really After the transfer, likely to be a very collapses the framework of the Middle East peace process. Will heck does that mean? The situation in the Middle East will shake the world of political economy. On the basis of today's article, let's learn about the situation in the Middle East and history coming out day-to-day news. Not recognize the international community Do you know somewhere in Israel's capital? You might [Jerusalem] and the answer there are many people, in fact there is no simple.

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